Tuesday, September 19, 2006


It's 1:03 am and I'm sooo tired. This week or the past two actually have been so busy with school and work and the sad thing is I don't get a day off this weekend; I have to go NAIW. Don't get me wrong I want to go, but I need some rest. I've been working night and day since Tues or Wed of last week and geezzzz... I may take a vacation day next week just to breath. Heck, I need to knit - think my boss will go for it? "sorry man I can't come in today - I'm having knitting withdrawals..."

Well, I just wanted to touch base with my blogland friends and let you know I'm alive and kickin...


Jana B said...

I wonder if Knitting withdrawls would qualify you for a sick day??

Nic said...

I've been missing knitting so much I have been contemplating working on projects that I hate and planned to never finish (I'm in a speed reading class that is running 2 consecutive weekends, so I feel you on the no Sat/Sun thing)

Jae said...

I call those calling in "too well to work" days. My cube mate has been know to take a mental health day. :)

Maine - Day 9

It rained today; if it was going to rain today was really the best day for it as we needed to travel so I'm grateful.  We've really ...