Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Climbing Out....

I'm climbing out of my slump slowly and surely...It's taking every ounce of will power I have but I am going to pass this class with at least a B if I can do anything about it. As of tonight I had two assignments overdue: one 6 page paper and a 1 page discussion board. The paper is done and I plan to work on the discussion board tomorrow. I also have to get caught up on listening to some chats tomorrow as my group meeting is tomorrow night at 7:30 and I have to be up to speed - we only have 7 days to complete this damn thing; we weren't allowed to start before tomorrow. But by Golly I'm gonna get it done and I will excel - you just wait :)

Just had to give you my progress report to help keep me motivated. I'll see you all tomorrow, I hope you are all well. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite :)

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Maine - Day 9

It rained today; if it was going to rain today was really the best day for it as we needed to travel so I'm grateful.  We've really ...