Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Addition to Blog - Glass 1/2 Empty or 1/2 Full

As I pressed publish on the "Blah" blog I had an epiphany - I'm a very pessimistic person. I'm just negative. I probably have known that before but reading over these post made me realize just how negative I had become. So what do I do - the classic maneuver - "Honey, am I negative?"
Jack's response was "Yes" So I continue and ask "Have I always been negative?" he says "No, when your busy and excited about a change your positive." Man, what does that say about me? That the only way I will be positive is if my life is in a constant state of upheaval and change? That can't be good! I think I'm positive at other times not just during a major flux - I just have to find what makes me happy. So far I like posting this blog every day and I love my knitting. I love to take pictures and I'm fairly good at that. I think this new job is a good fit and dang why do you women ask questions they don't really want the answer to? Jack should have said "no honey you are an optimist" LOL. No, I needed the real answer. I hate negative people; I don't like being around them so I sure as hell don't want to be one. So here goes:

My New Years resolution is to be more positive. I will find at least one positive thing a
day -> then expound upon it. I can and will become more positive.

Do thinking happy thoughts really make you happy? We shall see. We shall see.

Good night again sweet world!

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California Day 6

 5/23/24 I'm writing this the next day as I was too tired last night.   Yesterday was ok.   We left our Airbnb in LA around 8:30 and hea...