- Little things are irritating me royally! I mean little things like Jack chewing too loud, telling me where to go inside the EQII game and well generally everything.
- I want to stay home and not go anywhere while at the same time I want to be out having a nice dinner and dancing...
- I am reflective - Find myself reading old blogs, thinking on my life and how I got here, etc...
Anyone have a diagnosis? I'm thinking I'm just crazy... yep that sums it up; Mylerna the crazy.
On another note I was reading a comment from my blog in 2007 from a friend from high school and my response. She works for a non-profit relief organization now and is spreading the Word of Christ around the world. I can't say how proud I am of her for making a difference and how honored I am of any minute impact I may have made. I need to start living my life in such a way that I can once again say I stand for something! So that I am not just meandering thru this existence with no real purpose in life. What will the world remember about me when I am gone? What will I have done to make an impact? Is what I am doing pleasing to the one that created me? These are the big questions and while I don't know the answers I'm closer to wanting to figure it out.