Monday, April 02, 2007

Fellow Man

I'm done with school - forever! That means I have alot of time on my hands and yes I enjoy watching tv, playing games and generally being lazy but, it bothers me on a base level. That being said I'm not looking to drastically change my lifestyle - I like being lazy. My company however allows you to volunteer 4 hours a month (paid) they also match your gifts and are big on volunteering so that got me to thinking - what can I do to help? I'm not sure if I have the answer yet but next Monday I think I'm going to go to a dinner at the Trinity House; a local shelter for homeless men. My company sponsors a dinner their once a month and people from my company go and share a meal with them. I think I'll go and see if this is my outlet, if not I'll try something else.

Michelle, a girl at work, who I really like is trying to do something different everyday! Can you imagine if you tried one new thing a day - what possibilities! I love it...

And changing the subject yet again - April is National Donate Life Month! As I said in a previous post, Josh, a guy I graduated with has received a new liver and thanks to this has many years ahead of him. So I'm going to steal some words from his blog to share with you "Don't take your organs to heaven, cause the Lord knows we need them here!" Become an organ donor today and be sure and let your family know your wishes! If they don't sign off upon your death it doesn't matter that your license says organ donor so let them know!

Welp, I'm off to sleep in my bed - alone - with the two kitties. I miss Jack already.


LotusKnits said...

I think that's awesome! You should totally go. You could knit for charity too. Cancer patients need chemo hats, babies need stuff, kids in hospitals, etc. Just fyi, if you were looking for something knittery.

(oh and in a previous post i said something about 'your bad attitude' and after rereading it, i realized that my general 'you' sounded more like a specific 'you'. hope you didnt take it that way!) <3

African Kelli said...

How exciting! And congrats on being done with school. If I was able to volunteer four hours a month and have my contributions matched, I'd go to the local food bank. They always need help and you instantly see how your efforts are going to improve your community.

Maine - Day 9

It rained today; if it was going to rain today was really the best day for it as we needed to travel so I'm grateful.  We've really ...