Sunday, June 17, 2007


I don't drink often - ok very rarely would be a more accurate term but last night I put a few back, more than a few. Shelley a girl I work with and a true friend of mine came over and we grilled out (4 cosmos) then we went out to LeBuzz in Marietta and watched a drag queen show. Loads of fun and I have no idea how many I ended up drinking, I lost count of the fuzzy navels but I had a lot of fun - today I'm recovering; paying for my drinking to excess. Won't do it again for a good long while but had fun! Drag Queens are a hoot! Man some of them look better than me and I can tell you that I would fall and kill myself on some of the shoes they wore, 5 in hills omg! Loved it though - Jack even went with us as my DD, he's so good to me! I love him more than life itself.

Have Fun, Be Safe, Break a Few Rules :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Loving Life

I have nothing really new to say other than I love my life. Right now I'm pretty stressed but happy! It's a great feeling. This is the first job I've had since '04 that after 6 months I wasn't thinking about finding something else. Great feeling!!! Gotta go to sleep now since I have nothing of great thought to say but have good night blogland!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I forgot how much I love pictures. I take a ton them yes but I don't look at them very often. I just looked at pictures, really looked at them from Oct 06! I glance but I don't take a lot of time until I'm ready to do something. Tonight I decided I wanted to print some of my pics to hang on the wall in my new area, yes I have a wall! It's a cube still but now I have windows and a wall! I know your not impressed. Anyway - I went on the search and realized that I take some very good pictures; if I do say so myself. I know you think I'm cocky - but trust me I take just as many bad ones. I really didn't think I could sale my photography - I've thought about it but just as a dream then my sis-in-law mentioned it the other day and I think I may give it a shot. Especially after I printed the three pictures to go in one of those frames that holds 3 5x7 pictures. I framed them up and then sat back and looked. It is as good as anything I see in the store and it's something I can be proud of. Well, anyway I just wanted to share.

I'm not going to post the pics I'm mentioning here because I may very well decide to sale them later and I haven't figured out how to watermark them for blogger yet. However, here are a few others I printed tonight and put in another frame.

Amanda, my niece - aren't her eyes just perfect?

Jack took this one of me and Mama. I didn't do it I tell ya :)

And here's one of Kaylee, one of my other nieces - Fun Days :)

As soon Jack get's it where I can host here I will be moving my blog and hosting tons of watermarked pictures :) I'm excited to begin playing with it and maybe I will try to sale some of them; we shall see.

Good night blogland - More Your Dreams come true :)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Girls Day

I'm off for a girls day - Mani / Pedi / Shopping the works :) Woot - have fun today guys :)

California Day 6

 5/23/24 I'm writing this the next day as I was too tired last night.   Yesterday was ok.   We left our Airbnb in LA around 8:30 and hea...