Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I know I'm a bad person and a bad spoilee. I promised pics and then didn't get them posted - I left you hanging about where my job search stands and I haven't posted in a few days! I know I'm horrible - you can take me out back and shoot me later.

That being said I'm going to keep you in suspense on the job front; I may have some good news but I'm not sure yet and I don't want to jinx it - I'll let you know as soon as I know for 100% sure!

My pal's gift was awesome and I will do a proper post acknowledging her thoughtfulness and my wonderful goodies soon. Sorry Pal for taking so long to do this but please know I appreciate the gift and I love it! Can't wait to start knitting :)

On the knitting front - I started a hat yesterday! Woot! something new :)

I've got to get my pals' package in the mail soon. I've got it all ready and just got to get to the UPS store; I'm not sure why it's taking me so long to get off my ass lately! Speaking of being lazy - School starts this week! BAH! 2 more classes and I'm done - I just got to remember that :) Plus I have a new professor which is a good thing!

Welp back to the grindstone! More crafty post to follow soon - with pics :)

Have a good day blogland.

1 comment:

Andy said...

You are, but... that isn't always a bad thing. If you can't be good, be good at it.

Maine - Day 9

It rained today; if it was going to rain today was really the best day for it as we needed to travel so I'm grateful.  We've really ...