Friday, May 24, 2024

California Day 6


I'm writing this the next day as I was too tired last night.   Yesterday was ok.   We left our Airbnb in LA around 8:30 and headed for Palm Springs.   We stopped a couple of times along the way; once for gas and once at a Target to grab water and stuff before we got into tourist ville.

Once in Palm Springs we stopped and saw their version of the Hollywood stars and the Marilyn Monroe statue.  She is tall.....  It was peaceful over in that area but I don't see the appeal of the town.  You hear so much about it but it's really just a town with some shopping.   Maybe I was jaded or my mood was just grumpy but it didn't really appeal to me.

We then ate at "Hayday" where we got burgers and wings.   The food was good and you could tell the burgers were made from hamburger meat on site vs. shipped in.   After lunch, we headed over to the tram that takes you up the side of the mountain to the peak of Mt. San Jacinto.   The tram floor rotates as you go up so there is no bad spot - it's a beautiful 2.5-mile trek up and the views are amazing.   However, I didn't think about altitude change and breathing.   By the time we got to the top Mama seemed to be struggling. 

We went out on a deck or two and looked around and then her O2 machine decided to overheat.... I have no words.   We cut it off and sat it in the shade while she practiced her breathing exercises.  After a few minutes in the shade, her machine began operating again.   So we got her seated in the shade and went to walk around a bit.   The air being thin was an issue even for me though; the slight inclines took so much more effort and after taking a few pictures I was ready to go.  So we all headed back down again.

The altitude change made me and Mama extremely tired and we had the goat hike planned for 5:30 - I tried to push it but he wasn't available tomorrow so it was today or never.     It took an hour or so to get to the AirBnb where we ultimately decided Jack and I would go for the hike and Mama would stay here.  She was still not breathing well and we didn't think she could do it - she was more than happy to go to bed early. 

So Jack and I rushed over to the goat hike, which was down miles of dirt road.   I must admit I enjoyed driving to it like a mad thing; it was fun.     The hike itself was great.   The guy's name is Emmanual and he is from France.   His property is 100% off the grid and he has all kinds of animals that he has rescued, 14 goats, a grown male turkey that danced for us, peacocks, chickens, a pig who would only poke his head out and grunt, a horse, a donkey, cats, and two dogs.     They were all sweet and used to people.  

The hike itself would have been amazing without the goats, but with them, it was just so much more.  They would eat and then run to catch up like the world was on fire.   The landscape was just so magical and I could have spent a year taking pictures.  As we headed back the sun was in its golden hour and oh... so pretty.   It was a good 3 miles and this guy walks it daily for his goats to get some exercise and him as well.   After the walk we helped him feed them and then headed home.   There was another couple with us, at $100 a person he is doing well haivn others pay to do something he is going to be doing anyway :)  Not a bad gig.   Seriously though it was so much fun and the goats would come and expect you to pet them, they would headbutt you if you didn't.  

We stopped by Walmart on the way home and grabbed stuff for sandwiches, came back home to the AirBnb, ate with Mama and crashed.  Overall a good day but at the same time rough.   Getting old sucks and I'm not necessarily talking about Mama :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

California Day 5


Today was a more laid-back day but it was good nonetheless.   We slept in and left around 9:15ish to head over to "Met at the bar" for breakfast.   It was perfect.  We sat outside and enjoyed waffles, steak, french toast, and amazing service.

We then headed over to the Le Brea Tar Pits and explored for a while.  I wish they would have had it marked off with something other than the fences they did; I understand safety, but it made it difficult to take pictures/see.  However, it was a good visit and they had many interesting fossils, etc.   They actually have active research and excavation going on from where they recovered fossils in the now parking lot of the art museum.   They are actively combing through everything still. 

After the tar pits, we decided we all wanted a break, so we returned to the Airbnb for a nap.   Jack and I got up, Mama decided she'd take the rest of the day and rest.   We got up around 4 and headed to the Italian restaurant nearby.  It was established in the late 40's and had a really cool decor... not to mention it's a block over and we could walk. 

The food was good but the atmosphere was what made it.   Just really old-school decor that totally caught your attention.  We took Mama her dinner and then headed over to the Griffin Observatory to watch the sunset.   The view from up there was incredible and the building itself was cool to see.  This observatory was always meant for the public to view the stars; it was its purpose from day 1 which is cool.    It was a bit cloudy so the sunset wasn't all that great, but being able to be up there with Jack and just experience a moment was nice.  

We then walked back down and headed home stopping at a place called Melt on the way for some good lemonade.   Tomorrow we check out of here and head over to Joshua Tree.   It's been a good stay; if I ever came back to LA which is unlikely I'd probably want to stay in a better neighborhood but this was convenient to everything so that was great.   

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

California Day 4


Whew today was a long day and my legs hurt from all the walking, but it was good.  We left the AirBnb around 6 AM to head down the 2.5 hours to San Diego.  It was an uneventful trip, but stressful as they literally have o less than 5 lanes of traffic at one time and sometimes 9 - that is one way; so double it to get the full size of the highway.  Insanity, but overall we were against the flow of traffic, got to use the HOV lane, and generally had a good trip.

Upon arriving in San Diego at 8:45 we stopped at Snooze to grab breakfast.   It was good but I wish I had skipped the pancakes for eggs, bacon, etc...   They were flavored, which sounded good and we did the variety where you could try 1 of each, but all of them had sweet toppings that were a bit too much for me.  However, the OJ was fresh, the coffee was good and the service was great.  We were able to sit outside and the area was really nice.   San Diego is so clean... I mean wow!   Maybe I'm looking through a weird lens given how dirty LA is but ... it's nice.

We then headed to the Zoo.  The San Diego Zoo is known to be the best in the world and our expectations were high.   It is just a zoo.... very similar to Atlanta actually.   It was nice and we had a good time, but I'm not really sure what we expected to be different, but we did.   We stayed about 3 hours which was good but an expensive 3-hour visit... tickets are ~70ish per person and we rented a scooter for Mama due to the hills/heat/etc...  I'm grateful for the scooter as she was struggling a bit today + watching her navigate with it was entertainment in itself.

At the zoo, we took the trolly tour for the first 30-40 minutes and were able to see some animals we wouldn't have gotten to see, but the people did scare me.   I asked them to let Mama sit while we waited in line and they carried her to the front in a seating area.  Well, when I got about 1/2 way to the front I could see it.... and she wasn't there.   They had waved her on and let her sit down on the bus... Thank the good Lord I noticed or she would have been on one and we would have been on another.  He was looking out for us and they allowed us to go ahead and board with her.

We then saw mainly the monkey area... the zoo is huge and it's part of Balboa Park so... no way we could have seen it all.  The entire zoo is a botanical garden as well, which was neat.  Fun memories of the animals:

  • Chimpanzees hide from the sun under blankets and roll around in them
  • Bamboons chasing each other
  • Little rat-type things having sex and some guy saying he gets more than me
  • Gorilla's watching a lady's video on her phone through glass and then throwing dirt and playing with her.

We then went to Balboa central area and I dropped them off to get a table at a restaurant while I parked.  I ended up parking about 1/2 mile away and walking back with Mama's walker which was comical because people kept looking at me as I was keeping a fairly fast pace.  That walker is awesome, not only for her but we carry our stuff which is great!  I had it loaded with her O2, jackets, camera bag, water...etc...

We ate lunch overlooking a pond, some sculptures, and two very pretty buildings.   It was nice and relaxing.  A duck kept jumping in and out of the pond which was entertaining.

We then meandered around a bit and looked at the buildings, a pond/garden area, and a rose garden that was amazing.   By this time Mama needed a pain pill and honestly, all of us were tired so we left her at the rose garden and went back to get the car for her.  

Once we collected her we did some essentials before driving down to the bay area and just stopping a few times for pictures of the sailboats and the USS Midway that was in dock.  I love the cleanliness of San Diego... it's just well amazing.  I'd like to maybe come back and spend some more time here.  

We then booked it home -Jack drove and I slept at least 1/2 of it.     We got cereal at the local market for dinner and everyone wanted to go to bed early.   Super long day, but good!

Jack's favorite thing today: He linked the roses.  He also enjoyed the baboons chasing each other, the murkats who were super cute, and the gorilla who kept rolling around and throwing dirt. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

California Day 3


Today was low-stress and great.  We got up and walked to The Higlight Grill, a rooftop restaurant for breakfast at 8.  The food was good, but the view and the atmosphere were amazing.   We then returned to the room for a few minutes before walking down to the Dolby Theater, The Chinese Theater, and some souvenir shops.  It was nice to be down there before all the crowds and get a few pictures.

Once we were done with that we headed over to Hollywood Forever and looked at the graves with all the pictures on the tombs, the statues, and the amazing moseuleum.   Some of the urns were shaped like books, others had memorials with photos and articles of interest behind glass and some were normal.  It was a beautiful resting spot.   

Mama wanted to see Elizabeth Taylor's grave and she thought was here but it was actually in Forest Lawn in Glendale so we drove down there stopping along the way for a bite before I turned into a Snickers commercial.

We ate at Blue Jam restaurant with healthier options, including real Coke and real sugar from Mexico.   I had a grilled cheese with cheddar and goat cheese; I can't say I loved it but mainly I forgot to tell them no butter on the bread which was my fault, but I loved the outside vibe and the idea of the restaurant.   Jack and Mama seemed to enjoy their meals.

Once we made it to Forest Lawn we realized it's a massive cemetery.  It is a much more traditional cemetery with mowable tombstones, but there was a stained glass version of the Lord's Supper that was amazing.   That cemetery is huge and much of it isn't viewable, including Elizabeth Taylor's grave but we at least tried.  

We then went to Walmart to get Mama some new sneakers as the sole on her's decided to fail mid-trip and some toilet paper for the Airbnb :) You know no trip is complete w/o a trip to Walmart.

Once done we came back to the room for a 45-minute nap before continuing w/ or day.  I think we all needed it desperately and we didn't really want to get up, but things to do and places to see.

Once up we headed back down to Santa Monica Pier where we played arcade games, ate Mexican food, walked, shopped for souvenirs, listened to music, and watched the sun go down.   I must say it got quite cold on us, but it was worth it to see.   I loved seeing it and also watching the birds ride the wind was cool. 

We then headed back to the Airbnb, it took a while because everyone was leaving at once, but it's all good.    Made it back safely and now we rest.  Tomorrow is a super early day as we drive 2 hours south to the zoo :)

Jack's favorite thing of the day: He really liked the pier with the sunset and watching us play games.  Jack thought the cemetery was really special with the memorials with the people and the memories memorialized were great.  There was one statue in particular with a lady who had a comment "She was perfect and she was Italian" 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

California Trip Day 1 & 2


Not much to say about today other than planes, planes, and more planes.   Overall the trip from GA to LA was long but uneventful.  The only thing I will say is that people are still good.   The chaos to get from baggage claim to where the rental cars is a lot.  You have to get on a bus, with your bags, and then they take you to baggage claim.  Imagine a jam-packed subway and you are trying to get 3 large bags, 3 carry-ons, and a walker... Plus deal with crowds and an elderly person.  

We were blessed though, people moved for Mama and I to sit and a gentlemen jumped off and helped Jack with the bags.  People went out of their way on multiple fronts to be kind.   The chaos was immense and brought out a mini emotional storm for me as they can cause panic attacks, but it could have been so much worse and I thank God for that kind man today and will every time I think of him.

The Airbnb is nice and right across from The Egyptian Theater in Hollywood.   So a great location though a little sketchy at night; the building has 24-hour security though so, another blessing.


Today was really great.  We started at 7 am and walked down to The Breakfast Club for breakfast; taking our time and checking out the Hollywood stars that are on the pavement and enjoying the fact very few people were out.   There were some homeless that broke my heart to see - I wish that was something we could solve in this country.  Everyone deserves at least a private room, kitchenette, and bathroom... I pray we make a fundamental shift as a country and begin to take care of our neighbors.

After breakfast, we met up with Darnell at our Airbnb.  We had a private tour of the area that took literally all day; we got back here at around 6 pm. I wanted to take this to decide some of the areas we want to go back to and I'm really glad I did.  

Our tour guide was Darnell and he was amazing.   So funny and animated.   He has a bit of road rage but it was comedy in action so... all good.

We saw Venice Beach - I saw it, I am good :)

We saw Santa Monica Pier - I want to go back one evening this week and spend a bit more time and also see the sunset.

We had a tour of the Beverly Hills area with all the fancy houses that you couldn't really see.

We went to Beverly Gardens Park and took a picture in front of the sign.  There was also an extremely old and large fig tree that was cool.  It is the Moreton Bay Fig Tree and was planted between 1910 and 1914.

We went to the Greystone Mansion & Gardens - I want to go back there and spend some time.

We went to the Piece Memorial Gardens where several famous people are laid to rest including Marilyn Monroe. 

We ate lunch at the original farmers market and went down to the Grove.   I wish we had known the Groe had restaurants ... we would have eaten with table service.  The farmers market while great was overwhelming and stressful to me.     Jack got a milkshake though and they made it with real ice cream and milk; soooo good.

We drove up Rodeo Drive which wasn't all that impressive to me...just too much money being spent on useless things.

We went to the Hollywood sign on a lesser-known trail and got some great pictures.

We went to the Dolby Theater (which is within walking distance of our Airbnb) and I want to go back in the early morning before people crowd it.

We went to the Chinese theater which was neat to see the footprints and hand prints.

Once back at the Airbnb, we realized my phone was missing.   I left it in the tour guide's car.  Luckily we were able to get in touch with him and he brought it back to me.  God is good.

Jack and I also walked down to Target and got a few things... it never fails when taking a trip that you need something, lol.

Overall it was an enjoyable day.  We are tired though and are going to bed early.  No one is really hungry so we are skipping dinner for some rest.  

Jack's favorite thing yesterday was: how great a spot we had to get a picture of the Hollywood sign.  He enjoyed seeing the Dolby and Chinese theater.

Saturday, October 07, 2023

Maine - Day 9

It rained today; if it was going to rain today was really the best day for it as we needed to travel so I'm grateful.  We've really had really good weather on this trip.     The day overall I would say was good, I think we are getting tired though, and are ready for our own beds and creature comforts.  That being said we did get to do some fun stuff today.

We woke up and ate breakfast at the main house of the "lodge" we were staying at.  It was served family style with a lazy susan and we had another couple from the lodge join us.   We had eggs, bacon, toast, and jam - I must say it was quite good.  The bacon was super crispy and I don't typically like buttered bread but this was excellent.   Linda and Jack carried most of the conversation with the couple.   They asked about Atlanta and we shared what it was like.   I was grateful to not have to carry most of the conversation as I really don't find those situations comfortable.

After breakfast we headed to a waterfall on the property; the innkeeper told us where it was and advised it may be a bit treacherous so Mama stayed in the car.   The hike wasn't hard but it was very uneven with roots and then when you got to the bottom to really see it you needed to scramble over some rocks.   I was taking pictures and realized the really good pictures were from a rock island in the middle of the water so I sat there a minute and contemplated.... wade into the water and get the picture or regret not doing it for 20 years so my shoes came off and into the water I went.   It was soooo cold, but also worth it.  I had so much fun; almost fell a couple of times, but seriously fun.   After my mid-water excursion we walked a bit further up for some pictures (I stayed barefoot) and then went back to the car.  Once at the car Jack helped me clean off my feet (such a good man) and got me some clean socks and dry shoes.   

We then headed to the Robbins Hill Scenic area; we got out and walked a tiny bit but the rain and fog hid the view.  I bet on a sunny day it would be beautiful.  We then drove to Skowhegan, then onto Waterville where we saw a beautiful walking bridge, and also briefly visited Fort Halifax State Historic Site.   While walking there it really started to rain and most of us got fairly damp before making it back to the car.

I then somehow put it in the GPS to go to a set cross street given by the Maine book, not realizing it was back in Skowhegan...  So we drove back on different roads; saw gorgeous country and wondered where Augusta was, lol.   Once back we went ahead and stopped at Miller's Table at Maine Grains for lunch.  It was a small farm-to-table restaurant; Mama and I shared a pizza and it was excellent. 

After lunch, Jack picked up driving and we headed to Augusta to see the capital building.  Most of us took a mini-cap nap along the way.    We didn't get out at the capital other than to snap a quick picture; it was of course closed due to it being the weekend and with the weather we just took a picture and moved on.    

After the capital building, we came to the hotel; it's really a full resort, and spent rested for a bit before going to dinner at 7.  We ate at a restaurant owned by the resort - Cyndi's Dockside.  The service was good; most food was fried but options here are fairly limited.  I had a grilled shrimp salad and it was good.

We are now in the hotel getting bags flight ready for tomorrow.  We have a few things planned in the mornign before flying out tomorrow afternoon - here is praying for smooth flights w/o delays.    

Friday, October 06, 2023

Maine - Day 8

 Today we started with an excellent breakfast at 2 Cats Cafe.  Jack chose it because of the name, but the reviews were good and well-deserved.   We got there right at 9 and they were packed, but we were seated outside fairly quickly - actually, the family was seated before I even managed to park the behemoth of a car illegally in the paint store parking lot.  I had to kindly ask a gentleman to back his car up so I could park otherwise I may still be looking for a parking place... 

The same waitress we had at the Italian place last night was there this morning and she was again fabulous.   I had French toast with fruit and it was good; a lot of food - everywhere here is a lot of food, but it was good.   Mama said she wasn't feeling 100% so she didn't love hers, but I think it was her and not the food.  After breakfast, we headed to our reservation at Cadillac Mountain and headed up.  It was super foggy so we didn't really get to see anything.   The fog had its own beauty and everyone was laughing about how they needed to move from one spot to another to make sure they saw all of the fog.     We went to the gift shop; took a few foggy pictures and started to drive down.   As we did the sun began to come out and we got some great pictures of the fog sitting on the mountain. 

We then headed to the Bass Harbor lighthouse in Acadia.   We had to wait in line for a parking place and got to see a deer with antlers while we waited.   Linda and Jack went ahead and hopped out to explore.   Once parked Mama and I walked to the right side and got a few pictures and then she took a nap in the car while we hiked down the more strenuous side with steep stairs and rocks.   The hike was worth it.  When you got to the bottom it reminded me of an adult jungle gym and it was fun to climb around.  When you hiked down to the very bottom the view up to the lighthouse was absolutely amazing.   Beautiful!    On the way back up Linda fell, but luckily didn't hurt anything.  She kinda got stuck and Jack and another gentleman helped her up and then we headed back to the parking lot.

Once in the car, we drove over to a pretty mossy trail for a picnic; it was basically a wooded lot with lots of pretty moss.  It was very peaceful.

We then headed to the hotel which was a 2.5-hour drive west.   Overall the drive was uneventful with lots of great scenery toward the end; we stopped at a bridge and took pictures; took several of the leaves turning along the road and just enjoyed it.   We then arrived at this "lodge".  Of all the places I booked, this was the one I was least confident in, but there aren't many choices around here.   She had called earlier to confirm our appointment and breakfast.   When I told her 9 a.m. she seemed to question it so when I got here she again said 9 - I finally said you obviously want us to have breakfast at a different time; she said well the others are having it at 7:30 to which I promptly said no.   It was a cordial conversation but at the same time weird.   Checkout is at 10 and she was concerned we had another person staying in the lodge w/o paying the 20 fee - I don't mind paying a 20 fee; I find it odd given we have to pay for breakfast separately but ah well.    I paid the 35 and we'll have breakfast at 9 am...   The cabin itself is cute and functional enough for a night.  The couch smells a bt so I'm avoiding it and the bedrooms are a bit tight so we have the luggage in the living room, but for the price and one night, it will do.   The countryside is pretty so that's a win.

Once settled in we visited a while and then drove up to a local restaurant - Patrick's Restaurant and Pub.   You can tell it is a local place and the atmosphere was just comfortable.  I felt no rush; just a nice kickback place to eat.   Jack and I shared a plate of wings and they were really good.  The waiter was serving all the tables solo, but I never felt like I wasn't looked after.  I give it 4-5 stars...  I'd come again :)

Now we are back at the cabin and everyone is settling in for the night.  Tomorrow we head back toward southern Maine and explore along the way.   

Jack said he liked the rocks at the lighthouse; it was pretty.   He loved driving through the countryside, seeing the leaves and the countryside

California Day 6

 5/23/24 I'm writing this the next day as I was too tired last night.   Yesterday was ok.   We left our Airbnb in LA around 8:30 and hea...